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How to make carbonara

Foodies100Index of UK Food Blogs
Hi everyone in todays post ill be telling you how to make some fresh tagliatelle pasta, and then ill be telling how to make some carbonara,i hope you enjoy and come back for more.  

To make the tagliatelle pasta you will need
  • Strong flour                  400g
  • Salt                              1 large pinch
  • eggs, beaten                 4 medium eggs
  • olive oil as required        approx. 1tbsp

Step 1-Sieve the flour and salt, shape into a well. Pour the beaten eggs into the well.

Step 2-Gradually incorporate the flour and only add oil to adjust to required consistency. The amount of oil will vary according to the type of flour and the size of the eggs used.

Step 3-Pull and knead the dough until it is of a smooth elastic consistency.

Step 4-Cover the dough with a dampened cloth and allow to rest in a cool place for 30 minutes.

Step 5-Roll out the dough on a well floured surface to a thickness of 1/2 mm, or use a pasta rolling machine.

Step  6- Trim the sides and cut the dough as required using a large knife.


To make the tagliatelle carbonara, I you will need
  • Tagliatelle                                  400g
  • olive oil                                      1 tbsp.
  • garlic cloves, peeled and crushed  2
  • smoked bacon, diced                    200g
  • eggs                                           4
  • double or single cream                 4 tbsp.
  • parmesan cheese                         4 tbsp.

Step 1-Cook the tagliatelle in boiling salted water until al dente.Refresh and drain.

Step 2-Heat the oil in a suitable pan. Fry the crushed and chopped garlic.Add the diced, smoked bacon.

Step 3-Mix together the beaten eggs ,cream and parmesan. Season with black pepper.

Step 4- Add the tagliatelle to the garlic and bacon. Add the eggs and cream,stirring until the eggs cook in the heat. Serve immediately.


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